Development and adaptation

Further development of the site and what to pay attention to

Hi! I would like to discuss with users several important points for me regarding both the development of the site and plugins for RPG Maker MZ.

Regarding the site

At the moment, the site has good optimization, localization into Russian and English, convenient navigation, a gallery and streaming video download for convenient viewing of the blog and guides.

I see further development as adding a navigation menu to guides (some of them can be quite long and you don't always want to view all the content). I also thought about introducing the ability to register and leave comments on posts/plugin cards. But now I don't see the need for this.

Now about RPGMZ plugins

Now I try to test ready-made plugins, bringing them to an excellent state without obvious errors in operation or compatibility. I publish mainly on the Russian-language forum and on the official forum

I would like to understand where else I can promote my work, options for collaboration, etc.

I plan to release minimally tested plugins for beta testing (this will include both free and paid plugins). This will allow me to focus on writing detailed guides and creating new plugins while someone else tests my work, and then give my recommendations on what should be added, corrected or changed.

I am also thinking about creating something similar to my FS_Core plugin. But the idea is not in forced functionality or improvements (as some other popular developers do), but in debugged, general and universal mechanisms for working with RPGMZ, which my existing plugins will use (yes, they will depend on this plugin in the future and will not be able to work without it).

This will not be Core in the usual sense, but FS_Helper. I plan to develop it as a separate product for my plugins and for other developers. Unfortunately, RPGMZ does not provide all the desired functionality and does not have convenient, understandable documentation, so I want to provide convenient and general development tools to everyone. In the future, developers will be able to use this plugin for any of their unique developments.

Anyway, these are just my personal thoughts, and it is not a fact that everything said will be implemented. I would like to know the opinion of the community, RPGM game developers and plugin developers.

I will gladly accept any criticism. You can leave your comments via contacts at the very bottom of the site or in its header (Discord, Telegram, E-mail) ❤️